Letters from Southwark Administrators

All letters from the Southwark administration will be archived on this page. Please click each letter to read. (Se archivarán todas las cartas de la administración de Southwark en esta página. Por favor haga clic en cada carta para leer.)

Letter from Southwark Administration, 3-16-21 (carta en espanol)

Letter from Southwark Administration, 2-3-21 (carta en espanol) (用中文 ) (thư bằng tiếng việt)

Southwark AHERA Removal Letter from Dr. Hite, 11-20-20

Southwark Imminent Hazard Notice from Dr. Hite, 10-26-20

Letter from Southwark Administration, 10-28-20

Letter from Southwark Administration, 10-27-20 (carta en espanol) (用中文 )

Letter from Southwark Administration, 8-7-20 (carta en espanol)